Dancers Love Dogs

Dancers Love Dogs is a sheer labor of love - a noble cause by dancers, artists, and theaters donating their time, creative energy, and venues to performances to raise money for helping homeless dogs...

Vivi ~ The Poster Pup for DANCERS LOVE DOGS

ViVi's Ballerina Dreams

Book Souvenirs for Dancers Love Dogs 1st Year Anniversary

Dancers Love Dogs is a not-for-profit organization in South Africa helping homeless dogs by donating 100% of their annual dance performance ticket proceeds to sterilize homeless dogs.  Since Dancers Love Dogs was founded by Brigitte Reeve Taylor in May 2012, over 3,000 homeless dogs and cats have been sterilized.  This noble cause is a sheer labor of love from all the dancers donating their time and energy to the annual performances. 

About the poster:

The poster photograph, "Vivi's Ballerina Dreams," was inspired by a generous gift of pointe shoes worn by legendary American prima ballerina, Gelsey Kirkland in her 1978 performance of "La Sylphide" with American Ballet Theatre at Lincoln Center in New York.  Backstage in her dressing room following her unforgettable magical performance, Miss Kirkland generously gave her worn pair of pointe shoes to Vanessa as a special gift for keeps.  Today, Gelsey's pointe shoes truly are a gift that keeps on giving...

"Vivi's Ballerina Dreams" came true. Upon donating this photograph to Dancers Love Dogs to use as their nationwide logo forever, this charitable organization has expanded internationally to help more animals in need.

This is the story of how Vivi's Ballerina Dreams Came True
(tip: use headsets if possible!)

Cesar's Way Magazine Supports DANCERS LOVE DOGS

May 2013 Performance Advertisement

Brigitte Reeve Taylor, Founder of DANCERS LOVE DOGS, in "Women & Home Magazine"

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